Monday, June 15, 2009

A Smattering of Awesome to View if You're Bored!

Just as the title says, this post is a smattering of Awesome to view if you're bored. I just wanted to put up some stuff I thought you'd enjoy as much as I have while surfing the web.

One: Inspirational Posters (except geeky ones that aren't inspiring as much as they are hilarious):
I've been watching a lot of Next Generation lately and this one made me giggle quite a bit.

Yet another awesome poster about Ninjas.

Many of you have seen this Star Trek poster but I felt it appropriate to post for those who haven't. PS: Ensign Ricky is totally screwed!!!

Two: A guy who built a coffee table that is a gigantic NES controller that actually works and it just sweet to look at.

Three: If Dragon Ball Z was really like this, it would be far more entertaining. Hehe "I'm Krillin I suck really bad." *Filler Episode* *Filler Episode* *Filler Episode* lols. I am always impressed with Forever Zero's AMVs and this one is definitely another winner.

Four: Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), R2D2 (Kenny Baker), and C3P0 (Anthony Daniels) on the Muppet Show. This is just made of win.

Five:This photo is property of Danny Choo, and it has been posted here only to promote his awesome-tastic site.

Danny Choo's always-amazing website has recently informed me that they built a 1x1 scale Gundam in Odaiba.....OOOO AWESOME! Check out his post here:

Six: And if that's not enough for you, then you should check out the most ridiculous, over-the-top, why did they do this? video out of Japan that I've recently discovered (and not via Danny Choo's awesome website!) Cat Weightlifting:

Ah: The internet is full of win.
Signing out and hopefully sleeping off this cold,
Lady Lara Jones

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1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hi Jessie,

Here's another piece of geeky fun for you -

Hope your cold feels better soon!
