Thursday, February 12, 2009

I May Need An Intervention

I'm sure you've all figured out by now that I am super, ridiculously excited about the Watchmen movie (and you should probably brace yourself for a bombardment of Watchmen themed posts. Like a lot of them). There are two options for me about how this movie will turn out: 1) it'll be nothing but pure, orgasmic geek joy pumped into your veins via your eyeballs; or 2) it'll suck awfully and vindicate Alan Moore's bitterness and spite. Either way it's good news for me because it'll give me something to blog about.

One of the biggest draws about the movie, at least for me is going to be Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach. Okay, I admit it: I really, stupidly, irrationally love Rorschach. He is a tiny, crazy man in a trench coat who goes around accusing people of being homosexual and breaking fingers and just being crazy and I am weak. There are certain fictional types (which will probably turn into another blog post later) I have no resistance against and Rorschach is totally one of them (for other types, well, there's dead gay Ted). I love everyone in Watchmen, all the ambiguities and gray areas and complexity, but Rorschach is hands down my favorite.

So after a couple of months of talking at my friend about how awesome Rorschach is and about the sheer depth and complexity of the work and did I mention that Rorschach is a crazy badass, she gave in and bought a copy of it and immediately also fell in love with Rorschach, mainly because we share a brain. I only mention this because the blame for what is about to happen is rests solely on her.
For the past couple of weeks she sends me stills from the movie, which we have called Daily Rorschach Picture Happiness Time. Yesterday I got Rorschach and a bonus picture, and my reaction to both was exactly the same. That deserves the emphasis, as you can see:

My reactions were as follows: "Omg poor, little koala! So cute! Let me snuggle your pain away! Omg, poor Rorschach! Let me snuggle you until you feel better!"
Yes, exactly. Apparently I have now reduced crazy badass Rorschach to the level of a poor, dehydrated, adorable koala. Somewhere Alan Moore's beard is screaming in rage.
Look, I am all for having deep and thoughtful conversations about the importance of Watchmen, on the issues it raises, the handling of the characters, the sheer mind blowing awesomeness that is Alan Moore's writing, but at other times I just have to give in to my inner fangirl and let the bitch make high pitched "eeee!" noises about how Rorschach is adorable and I just want to cuddle him.
Don't you judge me because I know all of you out there has your own equivalent of the Rorschach-koala moment. Which you should tell me about in the comments. This is a judge free zone!


Liz said...


Anonymous said...

I can see Koala-schach now...

"Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains... Oooooh! A eucalyptus tree!"

Liz said...

Koala-schach: Stood in street, watched eucalyptus tree burn. Imagined pawless felt marsupials inside; fur blackening; pouch smoldering; bursting into flame one by one. Watched for an hour. Nobody climbed down.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that one's the winner. I'm not even going to try and top that, I was howling with laughter.

Liz said...

I have a Ph.D in Mockology.

Darcy said...

This is judge-free zone says the girl who called me a Twilight loving freak!? -proceeds to judge you ceaselessly for the next 24 hrs-

Jayne said...

Hey, when I called you that it was in a not judge free zone. Also, it was Twilight. I can't not judge that. And you ceaselessly judging me is different from any other day how?

Darcy said...

Any other day I'd take breaks between judging you for snacks and occasional naps. It's exhausting! this instance is 24 hours of straight, uninterrupted judging! All judging all the time! And the post was TITLED "don't Judge me!".

Anonymous said...

Jayne has a point... Twilight is awful. Those aren't vampires, they're just dudes dunked in glitter.
No offense Darcy, I'm just very particular about what makes a vampire, like I said before.

Darcy said...

It's a guilty pleasure for a reason, folks. I know I shouldn't like it. I know its awful. I hate myself for liking it, but I cant help it.

Liz said...

Mmmmm glitter dunked dudes...PART OF A COMPLETE BREAKFAST. Hey, I know what you mean, Darcy. My guilty pleasure has to be...the L.A. Salvator Drizzt series...I'm pretty sure magical fairy princess Drizzt is FAR WORSE or at least on par with glitter-dunked Edward(mmmmmm) and Bella.(that's their names right?) I'm surprised "Jayne" doesn't judge ME more for that!!! She luuuuufffs me ;D

Liz said...


Liz said...

WTF WAS I THINKING, L.A. SALVATOR!?!?!? RRRRAAAARRRL!!! ::gnaws on sweet, sweet, delicious eucalyptus to calm nerves.::